Micronta 22-207 (USA 1976-79)

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Quick reference - Micronta 22-207 (USA 1976-79)

Not an easy model to find on the web - only available from RadioShack for 3 years in the seventies. Soon be 50 years old...

retailer/manufacturer figures

Availability Marketed by RadioShack/Tandy 1976-79
Made in Korea
Collection of RadioShack / Tandy catalogues from 1939 to 2011 (view online!)
Sensitivity 100kΩ/volt dc - 10kΩ/volt ac
500 mV for DC current - 28 ranges
DC voltage 0.1V-0.5V-2.5V-10V-50V-250V-lkV
±3% of full scale - ±4% for 1000V
AC voltage 0.5V-10V-50V-250V-lkV
±4% of full scale
DC current 0-10uA, 50uA, 500uA; 5-50-500mA, 10A
Resistance 0-1K-10K-1meg-10meg-100meg
(centre scale 8) ±3% of scale length
Decibels -20 to +62 dB in 5 ranges
Frequency response 20Hz to 10kHz ±3dB except 1000v
Dimensions 179 x 140 x 89 mm / 7 x 5½ x 3⅛ inches
Weight 750g approx.
Battery 1 x C type + 1 x 9v?v
This example "new old stock" immaculate