I.C.E. 680R (serial: 305482)

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Quick reference - I.C.E. 680R

Centrad 819 = I.C.E. 680R ?!

ICE = Industria Costruzioni Elettromeccaniche
20141 Milano - Italy
DC voltage
13 ranges
100mV-2-10-50-200-500-1000 volts - direct
200mV-4-20-100-400 and 2000 volts - AV x 2
20kΩ/volt dc
AC voltage
11 ranges
2-10-50-250-1000-2500 volts - direct
4-20-100-500 and 2000 volts - AV x 2
4kΩ/volt ac
DC current
12 ranges
50uA-500uA-5mA-50mA-500mA-5A - direct
100uA-1mA-10mA-100mA-1A-10A - AV x 2
AC current
10 ranges
250uA-2.5mA-25mA-250mA-2.5A - direct
500uA-5mA-50mA-500mA-5A - AV x 2
6 ranges
x1 - x10 - x100 - x1000 - x10000 Ω and Low Ohms
Reactance 1 range: 0 to 10 MΩ
Frequency 2 ranges: 0 to 500 HZ - 0 to 5000 HZ
V. Output
9 ranges
10-50-250-1000-2500 Volts - direct
20-100-500-2000 Volts - AV x 2
10 ranges
from -24 dB to +70 dB
6 ranges
0 to 50000 and 0 to 500000 pF - mains power
0-20, 0-200, 0-2000, 0-20000 uF - 3V battery power
Dimensions 128 x 95 x 32 mm / unit only
Weight 300 g / 10.6 oz / with battery
Power Battery 3v - mains 125 to 220v
Notes Superb condition - no obvious mod's / repairs - to test after 3v battery adaptation