MTM Vielfachmesser

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Quick reference - MTM Vielfachmesser

Manufactured 1972 in East Germany (DDR)
found in a flea market in Mannheim, March 2023 for 5€.

figures from manual and inspection

sensitivity 20kΩ/volt dc - 4kΩ/volt ac
DC voltage 100 mV - 1000 volts in 7 ranges
AC voltage 2.5 - 1000 volts in 6 ranges
DC current 250uA, 2.5mA, 25mA, 250mA, 1A, 2.5A
AC current 2.5mA, 25mA, 250mA, 2.5A
Resistance 0-10kΩ 0-1MΩ 0-10MΩ
Capacitance 0-20nF, 0-2uF
Dimensions 208 x 116 x 85 mm / 8.2 x 4.6 x 3.4 inches
This example Extremely solid and capable meter from 1972, DDR (former East Germany)
Internal paint stamp, number "4672",
so either 46th of 1972 OR 04/06/72 ??.