Micronta 22-211 folding unit (USA 1984-98)

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Quick reference - Micronta 22-211 folding unit (USA 1984-98)

An innovative folding multimeter, later followed by the 22-193 digital version which it outlived by 7 years.

retailer/manufacturer figures

Availability Marketed by RadioShack/Tandy 1984-98
(actual manufacturer unknown)
Collection of RadioShack / Tandy catalogues from 1939 to 2011 (view online!))
sensitivity 20kΩ/volt dc - 10kΩ/volt ac
DC voltage 0-0.6, 3, 15, 60, 300, 600, 1k2v volts
Accuracy at horizontal = ±3% of full scale
AC voltage 0-15, 60, 150, 600, 1k2v volts
Accuracy at horizontal = ±4% of full scale
DC current 0.60 uA, 3, 30, 300 mA
Resistance 0-2kΩ 0-20kΩ 0-200kΩ 0-2MΩ
center scale 24
Accuracy at horizontal = ±3% of scale length
Influence of angle Accuracy at vertical = ±2% of full scale
Decibels -20 - +63 dB in 5 ranges
Output 0-15, 60, 150, 600 volts
Dimensions Fully open = 184 x 110 x 330 mm / 7.3 x 4.4 x 1.3 inches
Closed = 100 x 110 x 63 mm / 4 x 4.4 x 2.5 inches
Weight 350 g / 12.8 oz
Battery 1 x 1.5v AA
This example perspex face lose
not original soft case or leads