Micronta 22-204c (USA 1974-86)

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Quick reference - Micronta 22-204c (USA 1974-86)

A straightforward and likeable meter which had the 'Range-Doubling' feature enabling 43 ranges.

retailer/manufacturer figures

Availability Marketed by RadioShack/Tandy 1974-86
(actual manufacturer unknown)
Collection of RadioShack / Tandy catalogues from 1939 to 2011 (view online!)
Sensitivity 25kΩ/volt dc - 5kΩ/volt ac
DC voltage 0-125-250mV, 1.25-2.5-5-10-25-50-125-250-500-1000 volts
AC voltage 0-5-10-25-50-125-250-500-1000 volts
±4% of full scale
DC current 0-25-50uA-2.5-5-25-50-250-500mA-5-10Amps
Resistance / mid-scale 0-2K-20K-200K-2Meg-20MegΩ - centre scale 10
±3% of scale
Dimensions 131 x 89 x 43 mm / ? x ? x ? inches
Weight 425g approx.
Battery 1 x 1.5v AA & 1 x 9v
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