Metrix MX512 (FR)

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Quick reference - Metrix MX512 (FR)

retailer/manufacturer figures

Display 2000 counts -3 1/2 digit LCD - LCD
Serial No. 87 647754
DC voltage 200mV, 2V, 20V, 200V, 1000V
accuracy ±0.3% ±1ct / 1000V ±0.5% ±1ct
Input Impedance 10MΩ / max resolution 100uV
AC voltage 200mV, 2V, 20V, 200V, 750V
accuracy ±1% ±4cts / 45 - 450 Hz
Input Impedance 10MΩ / max resolution 100uV
DC/AC current 200μA, 2mA, 20mA, 200mA, 2A, 10A
accuracy DC= ±1% ±1ct / AC= ±2% ±4cts
2A fuse protection - 10A fuse on 10A range
max resolution 0.1uA / AC 45 to 400Hz
200Ω, 2000Ω, 20kΩ, 200kΩ, 200kΩΩ, 2MΩΩ, 20MΩ
Accuracy 200Ω ±0.5% ±2cts / 2000Ω-2MΩ ±0.5% ±1ct / 20MΩ ±1% ±1ct
max resolution 0.1Ω
Continuity 0 to 200Ω Range with Buzzer <100Ω
Diode Test 1mV to 1.999V
Other Data Hold // Auto-Range & Manual Range
Over-Range Indication // Auto-OFF
Low Battery Indicator // Amps Fuse 500mA, 250V (5x20mm)
Dimensions 188 x 85 x 50 mm / 7.4 x 3.3 x 2 inches
Weight 300g approx./ 10.6 oz
Battery 1 x 9V PP3
This example Bought functioning, with damaged corner,
discovered damaged rear body