Metrix MX 202B

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Quick reference - Metrix 202B

retailer/manufacturer figures

Sensitivity 40kΩ/volt dc - 1kΩ/volt ac
DC voltage 0.5, 1.5, 5, 15, 50, 150, 500 volts
AC voltage 15, 50, 150, 500 volts
DC current 50uA, 0.5, 5, 50, 500mA, 5A
AC current 50mA, 500mA
Resistance /
centre scale
x1Ω / 270Ω, x10Ω / 2K7Ω, x100Ω / 27KΩ
10Ω to 2MΩ in 3 ranges
0dB = 1 mW/600Ω
Dimensions ? x ? x ? mm / ? x ? x ? inches
Weight ?g / ? oz approx.
Battery 1 x ?v (BT1)
This example original condition - functioning
- needs adaptation for battery