Metrix 462

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Quick reference - Metrix 462

likely version MX462 E

retailer/manufacturer figures

Metrix model version 462 E
Métrix 462 marketed between 1958 and 1978.
8 versions from 462 to 462 H.
Eventually the 9v battery replaced the 15v.
letters MX used after ITT took over Métrix in 1964
DC voltage
7 ranges
1.5, 3, 10, 30, 100, 300, 1000 volts
20kΩ/volt - 1kΩ/volt on 1.5V range
Accuracy ±1.5% except ±3% for 1kV range
AC voltage
6 ranges
3, 10, 30, 100, 300, 1000 volts
Accuracy ±2.5% except ±4% for 1kV range
DC current
6 ranges
100uA, 1mA, 10mA, 100mA, 1A, 5A
Accuracy ±1.5% of maximum
AC current
6 ranges
1mA, 10mA, 100mA, 1A, 5A
Accuracy ±2.5%
3 ranges
Ωx1 - 5Ω to 10kΩ
Ωx100 - 500Ω to 1MΩ
Ωx1k - 5kΩ to 10MΩ
Light intensity 1 range - 0 to 500 lux (5000 lux possible)
Dimensions 140 x 100 x 40 mm / 5.5 x 4 x 1.6 inches
Weight 600g / 21oz
Battery 1 x 1.5v and 1 x 15v
(version 462 H - 1 x 1.5v and 1 x 9v)
This example condition used