Central CT-330

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Quick reference - Central CT-330

possibly rebadged KAISE SK-160 or very close
also marketed as "SEC CT-330"

Sensitivity 30kΩ/volt dc and 10kΩ/volt ac
DC voltage 8 ranges: 0-0.6V-6V-30V-120V-600V-lk2V-3kV-6kV
30kΩ/volt 0.6v to 600v - 3k333Ω/volt 3kV and up
AC voltage 5 ranges: 0-6V-30V-120V-600V-lk2V
DC current 4 ranges: 0.06mA, 6mA, 60mA, 600mA
AC current 12A
Resistance 4 ranges: 1Rx1, Rx100, Rx1K, Rx10K
6kΩ, 600kΩ, 6MΩ, 60MΩ
Decibels -20~+17, 31, 43, 51, 57db
Capacitance 0.0001~0.01uF (AC 120V)
0.002~0.2uF (AC 6V)
Dimensions ? x ? x ? mm / ? x ? x ? inches
Weight ?g approx.
Battery 1 x 1.5v & 1 x 15v
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