AvoMinor (UK)

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Quick reference - AvoMinor (UK)

retailer/manufacturer figures

sensitivity 20kΩ/volt
DC voltage 0-6, 12, 120, 240, 25, 100, 300 600 volts
DC current 0-6, 30, 120 mA
Resistance 0-10kΩ, 0-60kΩ(with 6v battery), 0-1.2MΩ(with 120v battery), 0-3MΩ(with 300v battery)
Dimensions 102 x 76 x 44 mm / 4 x 3 x 1¾ inches
Manufacture The Automatic Coil Winder & Electrical Equipment Co., Ltd.,
Winder House, Douglas Street, London, S.W.1.
introduced in 1933
This example original box, leads/probes and downloaded instructions/schematic.